Services & Rates


$60-80 per session

imageAcupuncture is one of the oldest, most commonly used forms of medicine in the world. Originating in China more than 2,500 years ago, acupuncture is currently one of the most thoroughly researched, practiced, and respected forms of complementary medicine available anywhere.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, your overall health is determined by the quality of the Qi (energy) flow through the natural pathways of your body (meridians). Acupuncture uses a variety of techniques, including placing very thin sterile needles into specific points on the body, to stimulate and improve your Qi flow. The many benefits of acupuncture include:

  • Pain reduction
  • Stress and tension relief
  • Increased energy levels
  • Stronger digestion
  • Relief from bad habits and addictions
  • Greater sense of overall health and well-being

The number of treatments needed for each patient is widely variable and is dependant upon the duration of their current problem, their current overall health status and can be affected by lifestyle choices such as smoking, poor diet and lack of exercise.  

The recommended treatment regimen is for a patient to be seen weekly for a period of 1 to 3 months depending on the severity of the condition being treated. The frequency of visits may decrease once symptoms begin to subside as long as you are taking care to maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

Your first treatment is based on an initial interview which can last as long as one hour. This is one aspect that makes Traditional Chinese Medicine so different from Western Medicine. Each patient is treated differently based upon a very detailed set of questions with answers creating a unique picture of each individual.

Acupuncture needles are smaller than an average sewing needle or about the thickness of a horse’s hair. Typically they do not cause pain when used by a skilled practitioner, but a patient may feel other sensations such as tingling, heaviness or warmth. Patients may either be laying on a table or sitting in a comfortable chair while receiving their treatment. Patients undergoing a typical treatment usually report a feeling of relaxation during their treatment and a feeling of well-being afterward. Treatments can last from 20 minutes to 1 hour depending on the individual and their unique needs. 




Chinese Herbology

$30-45 per session

imageChinese herbal medicine is a 2,000 year old tradition using naturally occurring substances — including herbs — to enhance one's health and vitality. As opposed to Western medicine, the foundation of this approach is to support the body's natural self-healing mechanisms and abilities.

Since each patient has different needs, I carefully select and combine a variety of herbs that will synergistically blend together to achieve optimal results for your unique situation. I prescribe high-quality, professional-grade herbal medicines that are available only to qualified licensed professionals.


$15 per session

imageCupping has been a part of Chinese Medicine for over 2,500 years. It relieves aches and pains, improves circulation, and also helps with respiratory and digestive issues. I simply place a specialized "cup" onto specific points on your body, and then use suction to draw your skin up into the cups. It doesn't hurt — it simply draws fresh blood to that area of your body, which facilitates the cleansing and strengthening of your Qi (energy). The end result is a greater overall sense of health and well-being.

Cups are most often applied to the back but can also be used on other areas of the body as seen in this photo.




Gua Sha

Although Gua Sha is an ancient healing technique used by Chinese Medicine practitioners for thousands of years, it is relatively unknown in the West. It is recognized throughout Asia as a highly effective treatment for chronic pain conditions, stress, fatigue, and a host of other ailments.

First, Gua Sha oil is applied to a specific meridian (energy pathway) on your body. I then use a smooth round-edged object (such as a spoon) to apply short brisk strokes to that area. This creates red patches of skin (called "Sha"), detoxifying your blood and restoring the healthy flow if Qi (energy) to the area. There is no pain involved, and the Sha will fade in 2 to 3 days. But the sense of health and vitality you experience from it will last much longer.


$15 per session

imageMoxibustion is a Traditional Chinese Medicine technique that involves the burning of mugwort, a small, spongy herb, to facilitate healing and health. Moxibustion has been used for healing purposes throughout Asia for thousands of years. The purpose of moxibustion, as with most forms of Traditional Chinese Medicine, is to strengthen the blood, stimulate the flow of Qi (energy), and enhance your overall vitality and health.

Among other benefits, a landmark study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1998 found that 75.4% of women suffering from breech presentations before childbirth had fetuses that rotated to the normal position after receiving moxibustion at an acupuncture point on the bladder meridian.

“Moxa” as it is called comes in many shapes and sizes or can be hand rolled. Application involves CAREFULLY holding the burning moxa close to a painful area until a sense of warmness is felt by the patient. “Moxa” can also be applied to acupuncture needles for increased effectiveness. A “Moxa Box” can may be used on larger areas such as the low back or smaller areas such as the knee.  

It is most frequently used to treat symptoms of arthritis and joint pain and is thought to increase the flow of red and white blood cells to the area of application.



Pulse Diagnosis

One of the most common questions that patients ask about Chinese Medicine is: "Why does my practitioner check my pulse?" Pulse diagnosis is actually one of the most complex and important diagnostic techniques we use in Chinese Medicine. Through feeling and evaluating your pulse, I obtain an accurate diagnosis of your overall constitution, Qi (energy) flow, and internal organ health, among other things. I then synthesize all of this information into a highly effective and individualized treatment plan for your specific needs.

Auricular (ear) Acupuncture

$15-45 per session

Auricular acupuncture uses the ear as a map of the entire body. Key points are used to reduce pain and decrease stress. There are also points used to reduce cravings, relieve symptoms of allergy and help with weight loss. 

“Ear seeds” can be applied to the ear at the end of a therapy session so that a patient can assist in prolonging their treatment beyond the office visit.



House Calls

$Variable per

Most services performed in the clinic can be done in the home. There are specific requirements for space so that an appropriate treatment can be performed.

Please call to see if this service will work for you.


Tui Na

Tui Na is an ancient form of bodywork that is based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine. I use a variety of pressures and strokes along the meridians (energy pathways) of your body to both relax your muscles and also stimulate the flow of energy throughout your body.



By treating both the physical (musculature) and energetic (Qi) levels of your body at the same time, I can achieve results far beyond what you’d receive from a conventional  massage therapy session. This modality can be beneficial in scar pain and reduction of keloid scar tissue.


Learning to Enjoy Food

$FREE per

we eat and WHEN we eat is more important than many of us will admit to. We are a 24-7 society that makes it difficult to understand what our bodies truley need in order to sustain optimal health.

My goal is to bring sensibilty to the American diet. This means understanding that we are not perfect and sometimes we must give in to what we really want to eat. Yes I still need an ocaasional handful of potatoe chips and I refuse to give up my cheese!

However, when we dietarily punish ourselves we only do harm to the goals we wish to accomplish. 

1) Cooking is learned by example.      

2) Cooking is not a chore.

3) Cooking does not have to be expensive.

4) Cooking can be very fun and very easy given a few simple suggestions.

I invite you to explore the possibilities: 








